The goal

We're going to implement the solution based on paths and content's name analysis. To achieve such a goal on Alfresco, we need the following things:

In the example we are going to look at, I started at 4000 categories.

Category extraction

How to find categories? How to extract them?

Finding the categories

Let's consider the following directory and file name:

We may deduce from this path name, by splitting it on "/" and capitals that the file "ListOfCustomers.xsl" deals with: * Sales * France * West * Nantes * List * Of * Customers * Excel

By applying this technique on all the files contained into your Alfresco repository, you'll have thousands of categories. Which ones do we want?

What categories to keep at the end?

I want to cross navigate my Alfresco repository through the categories. So only

Categories' assignment

Categories navigation