Observer Pattern multi framework implementation A blog site to remind me some things I did
We have seen in the previous posts how to use Observer Pattern in dojo and jQuery. But first, why do we bother at building such a unified solution?
Why such a requirement?
I have 2 main reasons:
- I can use it the same way whatever the context I am in. I don't want to remember the specific syntax for a specific framework. It makes code understandability easier.
- I can work simultaneously with various frameworks.
For example, in Alfresco Share, I wrote a code snippet to use dojo in the document-details view to extend the way meta data are displayed in a more friendly UI. But this extension uses dojo and Alfresco Share is based on Y!UI. So I need to interact from Y!UI with dojo and vice-versa. Architecture may evolve and I could need to interact with jquery components, so such an Observer implementation may help.
In short:
- one publish will forward the publish on all the available Observer implementation
- one subscribe will subscribe the component on all the available Observer implementation
Moreover by this way I can add specific code for debugging purposes.
Observer Implementation
Observer = {
log: new log4javascript.getLogger("SIDE.Observer"),
subscribe: function(channel, subscriber) {
if (Observer.log.isDebugEnabled()) {
Observer.log.debug("Observer - Subscribing");
Observer.log.debug("Channel : " + channel);
// Dojo
dojo.subscribe(channel, subscriber);
// jQuery
document.bind(channel, subscriber);
// Y!UI, ExtJS, ...
publish: function(channel, message) {
if (Observer.log.isDebugEnabled()) {
Observer.log.debug("Observer - Publishing");
Observer.log.debug("Channel : ", channel);
Observer.log.debug("Message : ", message[0]);
// Dojo
dojo.publish(channel, message);
// jQuery
document.trigger(channel, message);
// Y!UI, ExtJS, ...
For the use of log4javascript, please refer to my previous post.
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