Email Management System A blog site to remind me some things I did
Use Case
How to manage emails in a document management system so it is as convenient as a mail client? Not only plain emails with only a text body, but complex ones with a text body, an html one, one or more attachments?
Manage emails means:
- file them
- process them through workflows
- link to them
- reuse them
- resend them
Mails can be seen:
- as a whole: the .eml file
- as a set of parts: the meta-data, the text body, the attachments
While the .eml file is interesting from a legal point of view, it is not practical because of the necessity to process it each time you want to access it. In contrast, the set of parts, while very interesting from accessibility is more difficult to prevent from modifications.
The obvious solution is to mix the 2 solutions. So:
- REQ1 : a folder to store all the parts of the mail with a name corresponding to the mail subject
- REQ2: body
- REQ3: attachment1, attachment2, ...
- REQ4: some meta-data added to an element (folder or body?) to store a link on the .eml archive
- REQ5: ability to link from any document to the mail parts
The solution provided by Alfresco doesn't meet our requiremsnts. In Alfresco, through IMAP subsystem, messages are stored like the following:
- Message_1717.eml, the archive with all the embedded content
- Message_1717.eml-attachments, a folder with all the attachments extracted from the previous .eml
It is not very interesting from a user point of view when browsing the application (Share or another one) because file names are not readable. Attachment names are readable, but not the text body corresponding to the main message which is encapsulated into the .eml file.
To achieve:
- REQ1: store the Message-1717.eml file into the corresponding folder (+-attachments), extract the mail subject and rename the folder and the body to this latter
- REQ2: extract the body by transforming the email to text
- REQ3: attachments are ok
- REQ4: extract meta-data from the document by playing the extract common action on the message
- REQ5: let access to the elements and still protecting them from modifications
Finally, the order to follow is:
- REQ1: this can be done during file replication from system 1 to 2 in a multi-tenant Alfresco server
- REQ4: configure an action to extract meta-data
- REQ2: configure an action to transform the content
- REQ3: attachments are still ok
- REQ5: security configuration
- REQ1 can be done through file manipulations REQ4 and REQ2 can be done in the same action. REQ5 is Alfresco configuration
Folders containing mails must be preserved from modifications.
By adding workflows, launched automatically, it is possible to get an (e)mail management system. Based on a multi-tenant system, this architecture my provide the base for the YaMma application.
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