
Introduction This tutorial aims at testing server side javascript on Alfresco and Alfresco Share through BDD test for Behavioral Development Driven. Such a test looks like the following: pavlov.specify("AutoComplete Test Set", function() { describe("Should be able to automatically update meta data ...", function() { var doc; function fail(msg) { $Logger.debug(msg); assert(true).equals(false); }; before(function() { }); after(function() { }); it("for MarchesPublics:ECategory type", function() { fail("Not yet implemented"); }); it("for MarchesPublics:EPayment type", function() { fail("Not yet implemented"); }); it("for MarchesPublics:EOrganization type", function() { fail("Not yet implemented"); }); }); }); Development process Usual way I won't detail here why writing tests is important....
How to test server side javascript with qunit and pavlov
Introduction qUnit and pavlov have been slightly modified so they can be run into a server side javascript. Modifications consist in: creating a window object so the library believes it is runnning into a browser, adding a renderer so the output is either in plain text, to run it in debug mode, or in xml unit format to integrate it into existing The corresponding libraries must be loaded. Pavlov Test script ``` <import resource="classpath:alfresco/webscripts/extension/js/org/bluedolmen/utils/Logger.js"> <import resource="classpath:alfresco/webscripts/extension/js/external/bluedolmen-qunit/src/bluedolmen-qunit-headless.js"> <import resource="classpath:alfresco/webscripts/extension/js/external/bluedolmen-qunit-pavlov.js"> <import resource="classpath:alfresco/webscripts/extension/js/external/bluedolmen-qunit/test/bluedolmen-postload.js"> <import resource="classpath:alfresco/webscripts/extension/js/external/qunit-reporter-junit.js"> <import resource="classpath:alfresco/webscripts/extension/js/external/yaml.min.js"> <import resource="classpath:alfresco/webscripts/extension/js/org/bluedolmen/alfresco/rule/AutoComplete.js"> <import resource="classpath:alfresco/webscripts/extension/js/org/bluedolmen/Base.js"> //$Logger.LEVEL.DEBUG = false; QUnit.specify.globalApi = true; QUnit.jUnitReport = function(data) { var console...
Dématérialiser (exécution) une demande de validation par le SG
Introduction Ce document fait suite au tutoriel décrivant la définition d'un processus sur Alfresco avec Blue Parapheur. Ce document décrit l'exécution d'un processus de dématérialisation conçu avec Blue Parapheur. Après sa définition, le processus est immédiatement disponible, sans aucune action d'aucune sorte de compilation, déploiement... Les écrans suivants s'enchainent alors : Lancement du processus sur un répertoire contenant une demande d'achat (formulaire de demande, devis pdf...) Sélection du processus de validation en 2 étapes Sélection du premier approbateur Demande de correction car la demande est incorrecte Retour au premier approbateur Validation par le premier approbateur Sélection du second acteur Validation...
Dématérialiser (définition) une demande de validation par le SG
Introduction Ce document décrit comment développer avec Blue Parapheur un processus de dématérialisation de demande de validation en 2 étapes dans une collectivité territoriale. Les 2 étapes de validation sont réalisées par le responsable hiérarchique du demandeur d'abord et enfin par le secrétaire général. Initialement utilisé dans un Conseil Régional, ce processus, finalement assez classique, s'applique assez naturellement à toutes les organisations. Processus Le processus tel qu'il a été dessiné par le client ou l'AMOA est le suivant : Définition Méthodologie Blue Parapheur propose de définir un processus en plusieurs étapes : définition du processus sélection des services par défaut...
Tester le code améliore sa qualité
Introduction Dans le cadre du développement d'une application, quelle qu'elle soit, les tests sont indispensables afin de garantir un haut niveau de qualité. Il en existe plusieurs types : Unitaires, Intégration, Fonctionnels, Qualification... Ces tests constituent une part non négligeable du développement. Il est possible d'automatiser la plupart des tests, ce qui permet au final un gain de temps substantiel, et surtout une plus grande fiabilité. Tests Selenium Selenium est un outil d'automatisation de tests fonctionnels d'applications Web. Il permet de programmer les interactions de l'utilisateur avec l'application web. Celles-ci peuvent ensuite être paramétrées afin d'être rejouées pour simuler un...
Local Read The Docs Installation
Introduction I want to migrate RTD from sqlite to postgres. To do so, I first need to find the settings file. Unfortunately, I'm a Django newbie :-) Settings To start, read Chapter 12 of the Django Book. It's all about deployment. In checkouts/readthedocs, have a look at manage.py : #!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys if __name__ == "__main__": os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "settings.sqlite") sys.path.append('readthedocs') from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line execute_from_command_line(sys.argv) As you can see: * DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings.sqlite which means settings are filled from the settings/sqlite.py file. To migrate in production, we just need to replace it with "settings". The settings/init.py file will then be...
RO System
RO Root on Debian
Orbit Open Ad Server Installation
Introduction This software may be downloaded on [OrbitScripts]. Installation Read readme.txt in the main installation directory. Install PDO sqlite, SimpleXML... If you use a recent php installation (for example php 5.3 or 5.4), you may encounter the following warnings: disable disable_functions mysql_escape_string => must be replace by mysql_real_escape_string Enable mod_rewrite Allow .htaccess disable disable_functions In /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini, find disable_functions and set it to nothing: disable_functions = mysql_escape_string Just replace mysql_escape_string with mysql_real_escape_string: replace "mysql_escape_string" "mysql_real_escape_string" -- system/database/drivers/mysqli/mysqli_driver.php replace "mysql_escape_string" "mysql_real_escape_string" -- system/database/drivers/zend/zend_driver.php replace "mysql_escape_string" "mysql_real_escape_string" -- system/database/drivers/mysql/mysql_driver.php Other warnings may be ignored enable mod_rewrite a2enmod rewrite enable .htaccess If you have...
Read The Docs Installation
Gitorious Installation
Exploitation [exploitation]
Problem of resources not [precompiled]
Taking over ownership of Projects and Repositories as Administrator [ownership]
Memory Allocation Error [ENOMEM]
[installation] http://famousphil.com/blog/2011/06/installing-gitorious-on-centos-5-6-x64/
[ownership] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/gitorious/gxlhm1qQ1fE
[ENOMEM] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/capistrano/WDAPMl6A1Z4
Suspend Processes for Quick Restarts
Introduction In a multi-host environment, I want to suspend system execution so I can save resources while not used and restart quickly as soon as user comes back. Before describing the problem, here is a short comparison beetween OepnVZ and KVM: * http://wiki.buyvm.net/doku.php/openvz_vs_kvm The problem In such an environment, saving resources is really very important. It's the only way to serve 100s of organizations with minimal hardware and lower down the hosting price. There are various ways to do it: * at the user space level: while running, just suspend process execution * at the system level: just make a...
High Availability (HA) Alfresco
Alfresco performances
Starting Alfresco is slow, which prevents stopping/restarting it at will.
Tomcat starts very slow
PSI Probe
HTML5 Remote Client
I want to access applications through a browser which basically means through a HTML5 and javascript client.
The solution
There are 2 types of solutions:
* remote client applications access
* remote server access
Remote client applications access
Remote server access
There are various such implementations around:
* noVNC
* Guacamole
* GateOne
Please note [GateOne] is neither free, nor open source, in constrast with [noVNC] and [Guacamole].
Just type your username + enter + yourpasswd + enter and that's it!
Ad Server
I want to manage advertising. Are there any open solutions, or just proprietary ones?
The solution
There is only one open source version, based on dual licensing:
* [OrbitOpenAdServer]
Ascii Art
Introduction I want to create ascii art table from writer or spreadsheet table. I only found one really usable solution called [Senseful Solutions]. Another great solution, to draw ascii diagrams, is [Ascii flow]. The problem Writing ascii table is very boring. Senseful Solutions to the rescue. The solution Senseful Solutions is a web service. Just copy'n paste your table content from writer or spreadsheet to the input box and format it. Sometimes, the copy'n paste from writer to Senseful is bad. In this case, copy'n paste to a spreadsheet, then copy'n pas from the spreadsheet to the Senseful web service....
Introduction I want to store content in various directories and have a unified view of them. Unionfs has been developed to achieve this need. The problem I work on ECM applications based on Alfresco. Custom developments are based on libs stored in WEB-INF. They are mixed with Alfresco ones which make difficult to know who did what. I can prefix them with a specific name so I will recognize them, but it is not a very convenient solution. Unionfs-fuse to the rescue. The solution Unionfs-fuse concatenates content from various directories into one. For example, imagine I have the following directories...
Restore window bug with Open/Libre Office
Introduction "The last time you opened LibreOffice, it unexpectedly quit while reopening windows. Do you want to try to reopen its windows again? If you choose not to reopen windows, you may have to open and position the windows yourself This box won't go away by repeatably clicking either buttons, nor it have a way to skip this (though I can create/open documents). Even under File menu, the item "Quit LibreOffice" is always dimmed - the only way to get rid of this is to open terminal and do a 'kill -9' Solution http://ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/6752/libreoffice-startup-always-asking-reopen-windows/ Open Finder Option-click the Go menu...
Importer des données en masse dans Alfresco à l'aide de bulk import
JRebel :
Importer des données en masse dans Alfresco à l'aide de bulk import
Introduction Importer les données en masse est un travail risqué et laborieux. Au-delà de l'import, il faut en effet vérifier que toutes les données ont été effectivement importées. Si ce n'est pas le cas, il faut déterminer les données non importées pour ne réimporter que celles-ci du fait des contenus très volumineux qu'on peut être amenés à traiter (plusieurs centaines de Go, voire plusieurs To). Cet article décrit l'approche suivie par BlueXML pour importer les données dans un repository Alfresco Community ou Enterprise. Solution La solution repose sur l'utilisation du module bulk import. Ce module permet d'importer les contenus et...
Désimlocker un iPhone 2G
Introduction J'ai un vieil iPhone de première génération. Evidemment, je n'ai pas la facture et n'ai pas pensé à le faire désimlocker à l'époque (2007) :-( Du coup, pas d'autres choix qu'un désimlockage sauvage... Vocabulaire Jailbreak et/ou Unlock ? Le jailbreak, c'est donner la possibilité à votre iphone de ne plus être limité aux applications de l'appstore. L'avantage est que vous pouvez par la suite utiliser d'autres sources d'applications, comme Cydia, qui vous permettront de désimlocker votre appareil. L'inconvénient, et il est de taille, est que vous n'avez justement plus accès à toutes ces nombreuses applications, toutes plus intéressantes les...
Quel méta-moteur de recherche pour votre organisation
Google Search Appliance
Write a documentation in markdown
Concatenate ODF files
Update your MacText installation
How to concatenate 2 ODF files
convert asciidoc format to numerous ouput format such as docbook, odf, pdf, ...
SMB (or CIFS) over SSH
The goal
What is cross navigation
The goal
Implementation of a cross navigation technique in Alfresco
The goal We're going to implement the solution based on paths and content's name analysis. To achieve such a goal on Alfresco, we need the following things: a process to extract categories a script to assign extracted categories on a category browser to cross navigate the entire repository, able to cumulate criteria, to simulate a kind of facet navigation. In the example we are going to look at, I started at 4000 categories. Category extraction How to find categories? How to extract them? Finding the categories Let's consider the following directory and file name: /Sales/France/West/Nantes/ListOfCustomers.xls We may deduce from this...
Ecrire un plugin pour Confluence
Introduction Cette page explique comment écrire un plugin pour Atlassian. Configuration de l'environnement Adaptation de l'IDE L'IDE a été téléchargé et configuré en suivant les instructions sur [cette page][ide-for-linux/mac] sur le site d'Atlassian. Pour configurer la jre 1.6.0 sur mon Mac, j'ai ajouté la définition de la 1.6.0 stockée dans le répertoire suivant : /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home Comme expliqué dans les commentaires, pour installer maven, indiquer le site suivant comme source pour Juno : http://download.eclipse.org/releases/juno En effet, le site indiqué sur JIRA ne contient les références pour un plugin utile à maven et l'installation n'est alors pas possible. Installation du SDK L'installation...
Vidéo de JIRA Capture
JIRA Capture est un outil développé par Atlassian pour faciliter la remontée d'informations par les testeurs et les utilisateurs.
Cette courte vidéo illustre l'utilisation de JIRA Capture pour faciliter les tests et la saisie de bugs. En effet, vous pouvez faire une copie d'écran de l'application tout en l'intégrant dans JIRA d'un seul clic, sans nécessiter de réaliser un document avec un traitement de texte pour l'y mettre. En outre, cela permet aux développeurs de tout de suite constater le bug sans télécharger le document, ouvrir le traitement de texte, ...
[JIRA Capture] https://www.atlassian.com/software/jira-capture/overview
How to cross navigate your Alfresco repository and relate things like never before/Implementation
The goal I want a system to help me to cross navigate my organization's Alfresco repository. Being able to browse categories in Alfresco, I need to enhance my content by adding relevant categories. There are 2 kinds of solutions: semantic improvement through content analysis and specific part identification in this content like place, people and organization. semantic improvement through paths' and content's name analysis The solution: semantic improvement People don't like to input metadata like categories. We're all lazy and even if people were eager at entering some information, the risk would exist they choose the wrong one. Semantic improvement...
Alfresco Audit Analysis solutions benchmark
The goal
[auditsurf/github] http://www.atolcd.com/btn-ll/audit-alfresco.html
[auditsurf/overview] https://github.com/atolcd/alfresco-auditsurf
[aaar/overview] http://fcorti.com/alfresco-audit-analysis-reporting/
[aaar/vm] http://fcorti.com/alfresco-audit-analysis-reporting/aaar-alfresco-audit-analysis-reporting-cloud
Comment ameliorer votre application grace aux tests utilisateurs faits avec JIRA Capture
Introduction JIRA Capture est un outil développé par Atlassian pour faciliter la remontée d'informations par les testeurs et les utilisateurs. Exemple Lorsque vous testez une application, l'idéal est de pouvoir saisir toutes les informations concernant votre test dans le contexte de celui-ci. Vous êtes par exemple sur l'application suivante, en l'occurrence un formulaire Alfresco intégré dans une application JS. Vous remarquez que les libellés sont en anglais au lieu d'être en français. Avec JIRA Capture, il vous suffit de cliquer sur l'icône JIRA en haut à droite de l'URL de votre page en cours. Un nouvel onglet s'ouvre alors avec...
Java vs Javascript to develop business rules in Alfresco workflows
While Javascript Server Side may seem easier, it's a real mess to debug. So, I clearly prefer to use Java which avoid this kind of problems thanks to JPDA. For example, use the following javascript snippet into a transition in an Alfresco Workflow based on jBPM (and generated with SIDE to make thinks a lot easier): var node =bpm_package.children[0]; var destination = node.parent.parent.childByNamePath("achieved"); if (node.shortType == 'YAMMA:com_bluexml_side_yamma_OutgoingMail') { destination = destination.childByNamePath("mail"); } else if (node.shortType == 'YAMMA:com_bluexml_side_yamma_Invoice') { destination = destination.childByNamePath("invoice"); } else if (node.shortType == 'YAMMA:com_bluexml_side_yamma_Quotation') { destination = destination.childByNamePath("quotation"); } node.move(destination); There is an error which is very...
Javascript logging
When you want to develop in javascript, you look for usual tools in programing languages. One of the best tool in Java is log4j. It's a tool to help developers to insert information in their code and display this information according the configuration. I t means you may have test and production configuration without the need to change anything. I gave a glimpse to google about javascript and logging and it gave me back 2 answers which seem of interest. It was: log4js log4javascript I first gave a try to log4js because of its name, very similar to the log4j...
Alfresco "document-details" Page Customization
The document-details page is defined in the page directory located $TOMCAT/webapps/share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/site-data/pages/document-details.xml: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <page> <title>Document Details</title> <title-id>page.documentDetails.title</title-id> <description>Document details</description> <description-id>page.documentDetails.description</description-id> <template-instance>document-details</template-instance> <authentication>user</authentication> </page> This page uses the document-details template as indicated, located at $TOMCAT/webapps/share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/site-data/template-instances/document-details.xml <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <template-instance> <template-type>org/alfresco/document-details</template-type> <properties> <pageFamily>documentlibrary</pageFamily> <container>documentLibrary</container> </properties> </template-instance> The document-details page is the result of the aggregation of the (take a deep breath :-) $TOMCAT/webapps/share/WEB-INF/classes/alfresco/templates/org/alfresco/document-details.ftl which looks like this for its most important part: <div> <div> <@region id=doclibType + "document-metadata-header" scope="template" protected=true /> <@region id=doclibType + "document-metadata" scope="template" protected=true /> <@region id=doclibType + "document-info" scope="template" protected=true /> <@region id=doclibType + "document-versions" scope="template" protected=true...
How to initialize a git repository from an existing content
I'm sure it's not the shortest way to do it, but at least, it works :-) Create the git repository To achieve this, create the following script and name it create-git-repo.sh: #!/bin/sh REPO_NAME=$1 DESC=$2 GIT_SERVER=git.side-labs.org OWNER="Jean-Christophe+Kermagoret<jck@bluexml.com>" REPOSITORIES="/data/local/scm/git/$GIT_SERVER/repositories" GITWEB_PROJECTS="/" CLONEURL="https://git.side-labs.org/git/$REPO_NAME" # create a new bare repository cd $REPOSITORIES sudo -u www-data git init --bare $REPO_NAME cd $REPO_NAME #sudo -u git touch git-daemon-export-ok # additional set-up for Gitweb echo "$DESC" | sudo -u www-data tee description echo "$REPO_NAME $OWNER" | sudo -u www-data tee -a GITWEB_PROJECTS echo "$CLONEURL" | sudo -u www-data tee cloneurl Then to create the repo, just type the...
Component Content Management System
The Problem To Address One more time, to prepare a course, I had to browse all the documentation I wrote to find the right material I needed. Of course, I had to rewrite part of it because it was not structured the right way. I think it's time to organize my content in a way I can reuse it. The Solution Some solution exist and are called Component Content System. Wikipedia gives us a very clear definition: A component content management system (CCMS) is a content management system that manages content at a granular level (component) rather than at the...
SSL configuration on Tomcat for Alfresco authentication with Ldaps
Use Case I want Alfresco to be able to authenticate on a Ldap server, secured with SSL. Problem Ldaps is a ldap service secured on SSL. So you need to accept the SSL certificate to use the service. Solution To do so in the java world, you need a java keystore which stores the certificates (and private keys too). This is a file usually stored in /etc/java/keystore.jks Installation You first need to get the SSL certificate of the ldaps service. You can get it through openssl command: openssl s_client -connect YOUR_SERVER:YOUR_PORT -showcerts Just copy the lines beetween -BEGIN- until -END-...
Email Management System
Use Case How to manage emails in a document management system so it is as convenient as a mail client? Not only plain emails with only a text body, but complex ones with a text body, an html one, one or more attachments? Requirements Manage emails means: file them process them through workflows link to them reuse them resend them Analysis Mails can be seen: as a whole: the .eml file as a set of parts: the meta-data, the text body, the attachments While the .eml file is interesting from a legal point of view, it is not practical because...
SSL configuration on Apache as a front end for Alfresco
Use Case I want to secure Alfresco (webdav) and Share Access through SSL. Solution The solution is to secure Alfresco access through Apache-SSL. Why not directly use Tomcat SSL? Because I want to protect 2 tomcat instances and only make one SSL installation. Moreover, I need some Apache specific features like rewriting ones. Only Apache access will be available so Alfresco will be available through ProxyPass features. Direct access is prohibited at the tomcat level. Configuration SSL Configuration cd /etc/ssl openssl genrsa -des3 -rand file1:file2:file3:file4:file5 -out server-with-passphrase.key 2048 openssl rsa -in server-with-passphrase.key -out server.pem openssl req -new -key server.pem -out...
Automatic Java Class Generation From jBPM Process Definition File
Goal This page explains how to automatically add action in a jBPM workflow and generate the corresponding java class from a jBPM processdefinition file for each added action. At the end, you'll have a java class with a method for each action in transitions and events. The methods only contain a log statement at first. You then can inherit from it and customize the code if you want. Solution The solution is achieved in 2 steps: add a java action for each transition and event generate the java class with a method for each action Add a Java action for...
Alfresco multi tenant IMAP4 and mount.davfs
Use Case In a multi-tenant Alfresco, I want to be able to use IMAP4, which is not supported in this situation, except for the host (the main tenant). A work around consists in mounting other tenants through webdav to be able to copy content from one tenant to another, and then to extract meta-data through a content rule. This feature sounds like the replicate one which is unfortunately unavailable on multi-tenant systems. Summary The Alfresco host server acts like the main tenant which receives mails for other tenants then, through webdav, copied them to other tenants. In very short, Replicate...
imapsync and Alfresco
Use case The YaMma (Yet Another Mail Management Application) project aims at managing mails and emails. So we want a way to input emails into the repository, which is for instance an Alfresco one. Moreover, Alfresco provides IMAP support but it lacks one important feature -IMAPS, has one important bug -folder doesn't refresh quickly, a huge drawback -the necessity to configure a new IMAP account on each customer computer. Solution To circumvent all these problems, there is a very simple solution, which only consists to create a folder, called Alfresco for example, in each already existing IMAP account of our...
Observer Pattern Server Side Implementation
You just discovered Observer pattern in javascript on the client, and we already talk about server side implementations. What does server side implementation add? This means that once you developed the Observer pattern on your client side application, you can very easily extend it to provide easy and widespread messaging interop among languages, platforms and brokers. This basically means you can communicate messages to a lot of others users. Server side implementation may be done through CometD, which is now part of dojo, which enable you to build very simple chat application for the most straight forward use case. Conclusion...
Observer Pattern multi framework implementation
We have seen in the previous posts how to use Observer Pattern in dojo and jQuery. But first, why do we bother at building such a unified solution? Why such a requirement? I have 2 main reasons: I can use it the same way whatever the context I am in. I don't want to remember the specific syntax for a specific framework. It makes code understandability easier. I can work simultaneously with various frameworks. For example, in Alfresco Share, I wrote a code snippet to use dojo in the document-details view to extend the way meta data are displayed in...
Observer Pattern jQuery usage
If I take the example back, I just have to add the js corresponding to jQuery. I finally get the following html page: <html> <head> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4/jquery.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="menu"> <h1>Menu</h1> <ul> <li><a href="javascript:OldWay()">Old way</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:ObserverWay()">Observer way</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="contentPortlet"> <h1>Content</h1> <div id="content"></div> </div> <div id="metadataPortlet"> <h1>Detail</h1> <div id="metadata"></div> </div> </body> </html> I now add the event mechanism through the use of the bind and trigger functions. The bind action takes 2 arguments: the event name the function to call The following code snippet will make the contentPortlet listen to the info event: doc.bind('info', contentPortlet); An event...
Observer Pattern dojo usage
Let's take our previous code and replace jQuery mechanism by dojo: replace jquery lib by dojo lib replace bind by subscribe replace trigger by publish replace jquery sugar by dojo one Then transform the parameter passed when the trigger is fired as an array: 'View Updated Through The Old Way' becomes 'View Updated Through The Old Way' and remove the event from the content and metadata portlet. You don't need them anymore. If required, you can forward them in the parameters when the event is triggered. You now have the following code: <html> <head> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/dojo/1.5/dojo/dojo.xd.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var doc...
Observer Pattern Comparison Beetween jQuery, Dojo and YUI
Observer Pattern: The Graal of The Developer In a very few words, this pattern enables to build agile software architecture by decoupling objects which produce information and objects which consume it. For example, it is really useful to update user interfaces after an event happens. First, we're going to deal with a very simple use case and provide a solution without and with this pattern (based on an algorithmic solution) to describe the problem Then, we'll provide a concrete solution in jQuery, Dojo and Y!UI to be able to compare them Then, we'll suggest a unified approach so we can...
Fuse and OpenVZ
Use Case To be able to use mount.davfs, I need to install fuse. My problem is I'm on a virtual machine, based on OpenVZ. Problem When installing fuse-utils through apt-get, everything went fine but mount.davfs doesn't work and give a short: /sbin/mount.davfs: can't open /dev/fuse This process works smoothly on a virtual machine based on Fully Virtualized (KVE) but not on an OpenVZ Diagnostic In OpenVZ, in contrast with KVE, virtual machines share with host node kernel modules and devices. This means 2 important hings: the host node must have any module you want to use on virtual machines the...
Reduce PDF size after 300ppp and color scan.md
Use Case To manage paper documents in YaMma (Yet Another Mail Management Application), I do the following actions: scan 24bits-colors, 300ppp for good quality process them to ocr reduce their size create a pdf with the text from ocr embedded into the pdf For a document of 17 pages, its size is about 170Mo after such a scan. While this quality is interesting for OCR, there are about 10K documents into the company intranet and I can't put a file with such a size into my content repository... So the need for a solution to reduce the size of the...
Introduction to zxing.org I just discovered zxing.org a few days ago. It's an interesting tool to generate and analyze bar code and QR Codes. A QRCode stands for Quick Response Code and aims at replacing bar codes in the future. Here is an example of QRCode: Advantages on bar codes Bar code stores information in one dimension. QR Code stores information on 2 dimensions. You then can store more information, and this one ay be redundant so if your QRCode isn't complete, you can still get the information. Download and compile Just get the source on the svn server and...
OpenVZ and disk share with volume group and logical volumes
Use case I have a virtual system with a main host and various virtual machines. I want these virtual machines to have some directories shared with the main host so the backup will be easier. Solution I mount a directory on my main host into the virtual machine. To be the more flexible possible, the mounted directory is based on a logical volume I can increase or decrease according to my needs. Implementation On your main host, create a logical volume and format it. For example, if you have a volume group called data, you could do this: lvcreate -L20G...